New Blog: Serving the Content

Published on Sunday, July 6, 2014
Tags: blog

In the first part of this blog post I talked about using Pelican to create a blog, this is a bit more about how I got it up and running.

Getting a Domain

The most exciting part! Getting a domain! I used, it was recommended to me by Florian as “awesome, but a bit expensive”. I liked that they actually explain exactly what I was getting by registering a domain through them. Nowhere else I looked was this explicit.

Once you get your domain you’ll need to set up your CNAME record to forward to wherever you’re serving your content. I found it pretty interesting that gandi essentially gives you an DNS zone file to modify. I ended up making a few modifications:

  • Created a patrick subdomain (
  • Redirected the apex domain ( to the patrick subdomain
  • Redirected the www subdomain to the patrick subdomain

I also created a few email aliases which forward to the email accounts I already own.

Serving the Content

OK, we have a domain! We have content! How do we actually link them!? I used GitHub Pages, cause I’m cheap and don’t like to pay for things. The quick version:

  • Create a repository that is named <your account name>
  • Push whatever HTML content you want into the master branch
  • Voila it’s available as <your account name>

Personally, I store my Pelican code in a separate source branch [1] and use ghp-import to actually publish my content. I’ve automated a lot of the tasks by extending the default that is generated with the quickstart. My workflow looks something like:

komodo content/new-article.rst
# <edit article>
# <check it out in a browser using fab build/serve/regenerate>
git add content/ && git commit -m "Add 'New Article!'."
fab publish # Which runs "ghp-import -p -b master output" underneath!
git push origin source

One other thing you’ll need to do is add a CNAME file that has the domain of your host in it (and only the domain). I found the GitHub documents on this extremely confusing, but it’s pretty simple:

  • Create a file called CNAME somewhere you have static files in Pelican (mine is at content/static/CNAME)
  • Add a line to your to have this file end up in the root:
# Set up static content and output locations.
    'static/CNAME': {'path': 'CNAME'},

It took 10 - 20 minutes for this to “kick in” on GitHub, until that time I had a 404 GitHub page.

Redirect Blogger

This is the really fun part. How the hell do we redirect blogger links to actually go to the new location of each blog post? With some hackery, some luck, and some magic.

I found some help in an article about switching to WordPress from Blogger and modified the template they had there. On the Blogger dashboard, choose “Template”, scroll to the bottom and click “Revert to Classic Template”. Then use something like the following template:

                window.location.href = "";
                    // This is the full permalink.
                    var permalink = "<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>";
                    // Split up each part by the slash.
                    var parts = permalink.split("/");
                    // Take the last part (the page) and strip off the .html.
                    var slug = parts.slice(-1)[0].slice(0, -5);

                    var article = "<BlogDateHeader><$BlogDateHeaderDate$></BlogDateHeader>/" + slug;
                    window.location.href = article;

                    window.onload = function() {
                        document.getElementById("linkrel").href = article;
                        document.getElementById("simplelink").href = article;
            <link rel="canonical" href="" />
                <link id="linkrel" rel="canonical" />
        <h1><a href=""><$BlogTitle$></a></h1>
                    <a id="simplelink">

Obviously you’ll need to change the URLs, but the key parts here are that we’re generating a URL based on the date and the full article name. The magic comes in generating the date. The get it in the format I wanted (YYYY/MM/DD) I modified a the “Date Header Format” in “Settings” > “Language and formatting”. This matches how I formatted my URLs in my The slug that gets generated needs to match the slug you used in your template so the link will work. (I had some help in figuring out these template tags.)

I’d suggest you check the links to all your articles! A couple of the dates were messed up in mine (the day was off by one, causing the forwarded location to be broken).

The last thing to do is to redirect the Atom/RSS feed (if anyone is using that). Go to “Settings” > “Other” > “Post Feed Redirect URL” and set it to your new Atom feed URL (wherever that might be).

[1]Pro-tip: You can change the “default” branch of your repository in the settings page on GitHub.