Converting Twisted’s inlineCallbacks to async

Published on Friday, June 11, 2021
Tags: twisted

Almost a year ago we had a push at Element to convert the remaining instances of Twisted’s inlineCallbacks to use native async/await syntax from Python [1]. Eventually this work got covered by issue #7988 (which is the original basis for this blogpost).

Note that Twisted itself gained some support for async functions in 16.4.

Why bother?

inlineCallbacks are very similar to async/await, they use a generator internally to wait for a task to complete and (modern [2]) versions of Twisted let you directly return values. There are some real benefits to switching though:

  • inlineCallbacks mangle stack traces, while async/await does not (as much). This helps with profiling and understanding exceptions (e.g. in Sentry).
  • async/await is more modern and standard — there’s a better chance of people understanding it who don’t haven’t used Twisted before.
  • async/await has better support from other packages, static analyzers, tools, etc.
  • async functions can provide better type hints for return values.
  • We postulated that there might be a performance benefit, but were never able to measure any.

In fact the Twisted documentation (as of v21.2.0) even suggest some of the above:

Unless your code supports Python 2 (and therefore needs compatibility with older versions of Twisted), writing coroutines with the functionality described in “Coroutines with async/await” is preferred over inlineCallbacks. Coroutines are supported by dedicated Python syntax, are compatible with asyncio, and provide higher performance.


As an example, consider this function from the Twisted documentation:

from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, inlineCallbacks

def makeRequest(method: str, url: str):
    # ... do some HTTP stuff ...
    return response

def getUsers():
    responseBody = yield makeRequest("GET", "/users")
    return json.loads(responseBody)

def main(reactor):
  return getUsers()

This could be rewritten to a bit more of modern:

async def makeRequest(method: str, url: str) -> str:
    # ... do some HTTP stuff ...
    return response

async def getUsers() -> dict:
    responseBody = await makeRequest("GET", "/users")
    return json.loads(responseBody)

def main(reactor):
  return defer.ensureDeferred(getUsers())

Not too big of a difference, but definitely a bit nicer. In particular, note:

  • There’s no decorator, so tools like mypy know what getUsers actually returns.
  • main now includes a call to defer.ensureDeferred to transition back to something that Twisted understands. [3]

Rules for conversion

The result of calling an async function is an Awaitable, the result of calling an inlineCallbacks function is a Deferred. async functions use await internally to wait for another Awaitable, inlineCallbacks use yield internally to wait for another Deferred.

This results in the following rules:

  • You can await a Deferred (since it is also an Awaitable).
  • You cannot yield an Awaitable.
  • You can convert an Awaitable into a Deferred via defer.ensureDeferred.
  • Calling await on a non-Awaitable is a runtime error (though note that you can yield on a non-Deferred and it just immediately continues).
  • Twisted APIs still expect Deferreds.

To convert a single function this turns out to be pretty simple:

What Twised asyncio
Function definition @defer.inlineCallbacks decorator async
Wait for result yield await

Methodology for conversion

The difficult comes when you have a large codebase that you want to convert from defer.inlineCallbacks to async/await. Below is how I approached this for the Synapse code:

Since you can await a Deferred the easiest way to do this is to start at the outer layers and work inward. By doing this you end up with async functions which call into code which return a Deferred, but this is fine.

For Synapse we converted things via:

  1. The REST layer.
  2. The handler layer.
  3. The database layer.

In order to avoid doing an entire layer at once it is ideal to start with the modules which are called into the least (and preferably only via a higher layer). If there are other callers which have not yet been converted, the call-site is modified to wrap the returned Awaitable with defer.ensureDeferred. Additionally, this is used whenever a Twisted API expects a Deferred.

The REST layer in Synapse is built on twisted.web and needed some extra magic, see _AsyncResource and sub-classes, in particular it:

  1. Overrides the render method (which is a Twisted API from IResource).
    1. Calls the async function with defer.ensureDeferred to ensure it gets scheduled with the reactor.
    2. Returns NOT_DONE_YET so that Twisted doesn’t close the connection.
  2. It then searches for a method called _async_render_<HTTP METHOD> and calls it with the Request object.
  3. If the result is an Awaitable it calls await to get the “real” result.
  4. Finally it sends the response using Twisted APIs.

Other thoughts

The Synapse code had many places which were undecorated functions which called return a Deferred via calling something else. While doing this conversion we updated these functions to be async and then internally await the called function, for clarity. (Originally this was done for performance, but the overhead should be minimal when using async/await.)

This also involved updating the tests to match the type as well (i.e. if a function was made async and we mock that function somewhere, the mock should also be async).

While doing this we also fixed up some of the type hints of return values since mypy will actually check them once you remove the defer.inlineCallbacks decorator.

Measuring progress

As part of this I threw together an “Are We Async Yet?” site. It is pretty basic, but tracks the amount of code using defer.inlineCallbacks vs. async. As a side-effect you can see how the code has grown over time (with a few instances of major shrinking). [4]

And last, but not least, I definitely did not convert all of Synapse myself! It was done incrementally by the entire team over years! My coworkers mostly laid the groundwork and I did much of the mechanical changes. And…we’re still not quite done, although the remaining places heavily interact with Twisted APIs or manually generate a Deferred and use addCallback (so they’re not straightforward to convert).

[1]Added in Python 3.5 via PEP 492.
[2]Newer than version 15.0 according to the Twisted documentation.
[3]The documentation for async/await suggests using Deferred.fromCoroutine instead, but that is new in Twisted v21.2.0.
[4]You can find the code on GitHub.